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Marko Sarstedt, Monika Imschloss & Susanne Adler, Multisensory Design of Retail Environments - Vision, Sound, and Scent, Springer, 2024
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Prof.univ.dr. Levente SZÁSZ
Strada Teodor Mihali, Nr. 58-60
Campus FSEGA
400591, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: +40 264 418 652/3/4/5
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Demeter, K., Szász, L., Rácz, B.G., Györfy, L.Z. (2024), Fourth industrial (r)evolution? Investigating the use of technology bundles and performance implications, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 1-23.

Stei, G., Rossmann, A., & Szász, L. (2024). Leveraging organizational knowledge to develop agility and improve performance: the role of ambidexterity. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 44 No. 8, pp. 1446-1466.

Szász, L., Demeter, K., Csíki, O. & Horváth, R. (2023). Technology, lean, quality and human resource practices in manufacturing: how does size as a contingency factor matter?, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 234-264.

Szász, L., Bálint, C., Csíki, O., Nagy, B. Z., Rácz, B. G., Csala, D., & Harris, L. C. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on the evolution of online retail: The pandemic as a window of opportunity. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 69, 103089.

Szász, L., Csíki, O., Rácz, B.-G. (2021), Sustainability management in the global automotive industry: A theoretical model and survey study,
International Journal of Production Economics
, vol. 235, 108085.

Szász, L., Demeter, K., Rácz, B.-G., Losonci, D. (2020), Industry 4.0: a review and analysis of contingency and performance effects, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 667-694.

Szász L., Rácz B.-G., Scherrer M., Deflorin P. (2019), Disseminative capabilities and manufacturing plant roles in the knowledge network of MNCs. International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 208, pp. 294-304.

Demeter K., Szász L., Kő A. (2019), A text mining based overview of inventory research in the ISIR special issues 1994–2016, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 209, pp. 134-146.

Szász L., Seer L. (2018), Towards an operations strategy model of servitization: the role of sustainability pressure, Operations Management Research, vol. 11, no. 1-2, pp. 51-66.

Demeter K., Szász L., Boer H. (2017), Plant role and the effectiveness of manufacturing practices, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 1773-1794.

Szász L., Demeter K., Boer, H., Cheng, Y. (2017), Servitization of manufacturing: the effect of economic context, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 28, no. 8, 1011-1034.

Demeter K., Szász L., Rácz B.-G. (2016), The impact of subsidiaries’ internal and external integration on operational performance, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 182, 73-85.

Szász L., Scherrer-Rathje, M., Deflorin, P. (2016), Benefits of internal manufacturing network integration: the moderating effect of country context, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 36, no. 7, 757-780.

Demeter K. & Szász L. (2016), The diversity of European manufacturing plant roles in international manufacturing networks, Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 21, no. 2, 184-208.

Szász L. & Demeter K. (2015), Business models along supply chain position and servitisation: An empirical investigation of European manufacturers, Acta Oeconomica, vol. 65, no. 3, 367-391.

Szász L., Demeter K., Boer, H. (2015), Production competence revisited - a critique of the literature and a new measurement approach, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 26, no. 4, 536-560.

Szász L. & Demeter K. (2014), How do companies lose orders? A multi-country study of internal inconsistency in operations strategies, Operations Management Research, vol. 7, no. 3-4, 99-116.

Szász L. & Györfy L.-Z. (2014), Manufacturing in Romania – research report on the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey VI in Romania (2013-2014), Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca.

Demeter K. & Szász L. (2014), Exploring operations of manufacturing plant types in international context, in Johansen, John, Farooq, Sami, Cheng, Yang (Eds.), International Operations Networks, Springer, 29-50 (ISBN 978-1-4471-5645-1).

Demeter K. & Szász L. (2013), Towards solution-based thinking: characteristics of servitization at Hungarian manufacturing companies, Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 18, issue 3, 309-335.

Szász L. & Demeter K. (2013), The impact of the economic crisis on operations strategy and practices, Chapter 13, in: Bodea, G., Dragos, C., Postelnicu, C. (ed.), The Global Economic Crisis, between Theory and Pragmatism, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Bessenyei I., Szász L., Erdély A. (2011), Oligopsonistic resource markets – modelling firm decisions in Maple, Economists’ Forum, vol. 14, no. 103, 31-51.

Szász L. & Demeter K. (2011), Supply chain position and servitization efforts of manufacturing companies in Eastern and Western Europe, Journal of International Business and Economics, vol. 11, no. 1, 104-112.

Szász L. (2009), An MRP-based integer programming model for capacity planning, Economists' Forum, vol. 12, no. 92, 3-23.

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