Camera Ready

  1. Correct the paper according to the reviewers comments.
  2. Recheck that your paper conforms to the Latex template (author.tex) at the Springer’s Instructions for Authors page.
  3. If you have multiple folders for your sources move all the files in them to a single ID folder, where ID is your paper id. Fix your sources accordingly.
  4. Make sure that ALL your images are in postscript/eps format. That is to say that your paper can be processed with the latex compiler, without needing to use pdflatex or other additional tools. If you also have pdf / jpg / png versions of your images you may include that versions too (it is welcomed), but please try to provide an eps version as well.
  5. Move ALL the text of your paper to a single tex file named ID.tex where ID is your paper id.
    • If you have used multiple tex files, include all their contents on the single ID.tex file.
    • If you have a separate bibtex bibliography file (named ID.bib for instance):
      1. Include an \usepackage[numbers,sort&compress]{natbib} line in the preamble of your latex source file. This is needed to ensure that numerical citations are shown.
      2. Compile the document generating the bibliography with your ID.bib file and using \bibliographystyle{spbasic} in your ID.tex file (you need to place spbasic.bst from the latex template in the same directory than your sources).
      3. Then, substitute the line on your ID.tex file containing \bibliography{ID} with the full contents of the ID.bbl file generated in the compilation.
      4. To help alleviate possible bibliography problems in the proceedings book, please keep the .bib file in your submitted files too (don’t remove it).
  6. Recompile your sources and recheck that everything appears as expected.
  7. Fill the Consent to Publish form and include a signed PDF scanned version of it inside the ID folder.
  8. Compress your ID folder containing the full sources of your paper and the filled Consent to Publish form (following the previous steps) to an file.
  9. Send the file (where ID is your paper id) to

Paper submissions:

Please submit manuscripts in PDF format, up to 20 pages, conforming to the Latex template at the Springer’s Instructions for Authors page, at

All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Every submitted paper to NICSO 2011 will be carefully  reviewed  by members of the Program Committee.